Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Quit your whining

It's funny how sometimes all you want is for people to feel sorry for you because you feel sorry for yourself. Perhaps I've used this blog to whine a little too much. I really do use it to vent a lot and share what I'm going through but I really only share the negative side of things.

So, that being said, here is some good news! It appears that the audiologist and I have come to an agreement that will allow me to keep my hearing aids and still be eligible for my government assistance. Huge bonus! Thanks to everyone for giving me that little kick in the butt I needed to be proactive about it. I have a quick meeting with them tomorrow to iron out the details but I'm very optimistic.


  1. Yeah Rob - way to go!

  2. I vote for some more funny stories!!!

  3. Hey Rob... I think blogging is all about everything that you are experiencing. Sure, you can be proactive in including more happy stuff if that is something that is important to you, but you shouldn't diminish the negative things you experience and the feelings that go along with them.

    I have found your posts to be incredibly educational and they have opened up my eyes to things I had never thought of or knew of before.

    I am sure that others who have hearing issues can find some solidarity and perhaps even comfort in knowing that they aren't the only people dealing with similar issues/problems/frustrations.

    Blogging should be true, uncensored, real. I hope you keep posting all of it... the good, the bad, the ugly... the REAL.
