Friday, March 19, 2010


I received a phone call the other day from my Audiologist explaining to me that the funding that I am eligible for from the Government for my new hearing aids is not actually available to me until July of 2010. This leaves me with two possible solutions: to pay the amount that I was expecting to receive without the ability to receive that funding in return in July, or to return my hearing aids and purchase them back when the funding is available. Needless to say I'm incredibly annoyed by this. I really feel that this is something that the audiologist should have been aware of back in January when I bought the new hearing aids.

It looks like my best solution economically is to return the hearing aids and buy them back so I get the financial assistance from the government. The audiologist said they can let me keep the new pair until May 21, which leaves me with my old pair for 2 months until I get them back. I'm really hoping I can work out some kind of deal where they can let me keep them with some kind of commitment to them.

I am trying to take this set-back in stride and not let it stress me out. I'm sure that we can reach some kind of agreement because I really don't want to go back to my old pair. I bought the new hearing aids because the old one's were not working properly and were getting old and it seems ridiculous to have to go back.

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