Monday, March 8, 2010

My Grandpa has the same hearing aids as you!

I think it's funny when people make small talk with me about someone they know who has hearing aids. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate it and encourage it but, it always turns out to be their grandparents or someone above the age of 75! I have to smirk every time I hear "oh yeah, my Grandma has the same problem with her hearing aids" because it always leaves me feeling like I should be an old man. Do people automatically associate hearing aids and hearing loss to being old? Well, according to this survey, they do. It is no wonder that younger people have trouble accepting hearing loss when it's tied to the perception of getting old.

I wish there was more of an effort to create some advertising and public awareness programs that are aimed at people who are not senior citizens. It's important to make people feel more comfortable about their hearing aids, not more self-conscious.

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