Sunday, May 1, 2011

Reclaiming your Indpendence

I have been struggling over the past few weeks to come up with something to blog about. I sometimes lose sight of the fact that so many things I do are different and a result of my hearing loss; I have a whole wealth of things to write about that I'm just not seeing! So, it is with renewed optimism that you will start to see more blogging from me on just day to day stuff.

Often when I am home alone I'll go about my day without my hearing aids in. More often than not I find this very comforting because I'm not distracted by the general noises that are happening outside my window or on different floors of my apartment building. However, every once and a while I realize just how scary this can potentially be. What if there was an emergency? I could easily miss a fire alarm, a break and enter or someone calling for help and I find that slightly unnerving. I've done some research on these issues and there a wealth of products out there that assist with this. Technology can be a great tool that helps your independence so that you can live your life to the fullest not having to compromise the simplest of life's pleasures. I am sure there are lots of people out there who struggle and live in fear sometimes because of their disadvantages. I urge you all to go out and seek help so that you too can restore and enjoy your independence.


  1. I know people who couldn't go five minutes without their great information about Hearing Aids but I do like your thoughts. Keep me posted.

  2. Thanks for following my blog. I appreciate you feedback. Don't get me wrong, I rely on them a lot but sometimes it's nice to just have some peace and quiet.
